Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Ginger and its medicinal uses

Ginger is a strengthening food that has long been used to maintain health. Ginger has a long history of both culinary and medicinal use in Chinese, Japanese and Indian medicines. In ancient China, ginger was regarded as a healing gift from God and was commonly used to cleanse and warm the body.

Qualities of Ginger
The major active ingredients in ginger are terpenes and oleoresin called ginger oil. These two, and other active ingredients in ginger, provide antiseptic, lymph-cleansing, circulation, and constipation relief qualities.

Ginger is good for the respiratory system
It is good to fight against colds and flu
Ginger offers substantial protection from stroke and heart attack because of its ability to prevent blood clotting
Ginger, a multifaceted herb, is crucial in the battle against cardiovascular disease
Relieves headaches and pains
Helps to clear sore throats
Good for upset stomach and indigestion.
It is very effective as a cleansing agent through the bowels and kidneys and also through the skin

Some of the problems cured by Ginger
Kills influenza virus by improving immune system's ability to fight infections.
Ginger also relieves headaches.
Increases Circulation
Increases the muscular contractions of the heart atria, there by increase in overall circulation.
Ginger has been proven to prevent internal blood clots and lowers blood pressure. Ginger Root stimulates the central nervous system controlling the heart and respiratory centers. Ginger helps reduce serum cholesterol, which can slow down circulation.
Ginger Relieves Motion/Morning Sickness

Ginger is one of the most effective herbal remedies to get rid of Motion/ Morning Sickness.

Digestive Aid - Indigestion, Stomach Ache
Ginger Root increases production of saliva in the mouth and dramatically increases digestive enzyme amylase in the saliva to additionally aid digestion. Ginger Root also contains a very effective digestive enzyme zingibain.

Women's Health
Ginger Root is good for the uterus as well as the intestinal tract and may ease menstrual cramps

Very cleansing - reduces pus in infected wounds as well as boils. Clears spots caused by chicken pox and shingles. Useful for burns, sores, sunburn, ringworm, warts, herpes, athletes foot and even for dandruff.

Stress Protection
Ginger Root appears to limit the effects of adrenergic stimulation and there by relieves the stress

As Ginger root is a proven anti-inflammatory agent, some arthritic victims may find it helpful.

Ginger is sometimes recommended as an alternative to aspirin for people who can not take aspirin because of its irritating effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

Ginger cures following ailments
Asthma - Adults
Athlete's Foot
Boils/ Blisters
Cold Sores
Glandular Fever
Gum Infections
Head Lice
Insect Bites / Stings
Mosquito Bites
Mouth Ulcers
Ringworm (tinea)
Skin Conditions - Antiseptic
Sore Throat

With all the benefits to the average person, ginger should be included in the diet every day. Especially for a person who are suffering from heart problems, cold/flu, stress problem, motion sickness a daily dose of ginger combined with other herbs to enhance their effectiveness is part of a sensible, healthy diet.

Ginger has been used for thousands of years in Chinese medicine to treat problems such as vomiting, abdominal bloating, diarrhea, coughing, and rheumatism. Tibb and Ayurvedic medicine also uses ginger to treat inflammatory joint diseases including rheumatism and arthritis.

Proposed Medical Benefits of Ginger
Ginger root is used today to provide relief for symptoms of motion sickness including sweating, vomiting, dizziness, and nausea. No conclusive results were found when studies compared commercial medications with ginger. Signs of similar results between the two did seem apparent in the studies.

Ginger has other uses including relieving arthritis pain, ulcerative colitis, menstrual discomfort, headaches, fevers from flu and colds, and sore throats. Gastrointestinal problems including heartburn and gas can also be treated with ginger. The muscles of the gastrointestinal tract can be strengthened by the use of garlic. Ginger is also used to treat arthritis, both rheumatoid and osteoarthritis. It is thought that garlic can also provide relief for toothaches, but no scientific evidence exists to support this.

Ginger Constituents
Volatile oils in ginger are what cause the taste, smell, and medical effectiveness. About 1-4% of ginger is oil. Ginger contains pungent constituents, shogaols and gingerols, which make it effective for relieving vomiting and nausea. Bisabolene and zingiberene are the aromatic constituents of garlic.

Dosage and Administration
For treating and preventing motion sickness, ingest 500 mg of ginger powder (dried) between 30 to 60 minutes prior to traveling. 500 mg should be taken as needed every 2 to 4 hours. Pregnant women should not use ginger for a prolonged amount of time, but can take as much as 1 gram daily to treat nausea.

Courtesy: Various Sources over internet

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